ABOVE: Sal and Bob relaxing after the swim. Speaking of which, there was a lot more swimming taking place this Saturday morning in July than there was picture taking! In fact, I only managed to take 3 pictures and one very short video. I think that this is a record for me... record for least number of pictures taken. Ah well, the swim was very nice. A few small jelly fish but no stinging ones that I ran into -- though there are reports of those nasties invading Long Island Sound in fairly large numbers. Best advice -- get your Open Water Swimming in NOW, while they're not around. Could this happiness last all summer?
Above: last "Podder" out of the water. Below: Aren't those fresh-water showers great? Not only do the swimmers appreciate them but their wet suits are happy too! (If it can be said that a wetsuit is ever truly "happy"!)
VIDEO BELOW: Sorry to say that by the time I got that video camera up and running, Carol had just about finished a very "happy", (And, "Happy" was the keyword of the day!), version of "Singing in the Rain". Note that there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
No soap, though!